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! Reader discretion is strongly advised !
We don't want unhappy readers, do we? IVLG certainly doesn't.
Please read through the listed content warnings and buckle up for a wild ride.

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If books hold the power to drag you into another world, then she writes them to create her own dark and wicked playground. Wanna play?Her pen name is IVLG, but please call her Jess.She's a happy wife, enriched and blessed by the two boys and the wonderful husband she has. Switzerland has grown onto her after living there since 2007, after she moved out from home at the delicate age of seventeen. Germany will forever have a large chunk of her heart as the memories of growing up there fill her with both happiness and nostalgia.As an Astro lover with a heavy 6x Capricorn stellium in her fifth house, it’s no wonder that dedicating her heart, passion, and soul to writing her books comes as naturally as breathing. When she's not splitting herself in half between family and books, then you can catch her cleaning or driving her car. Driving gives her a sense of freedom and puts her ever busy mind at ease.There are no whiny, helpless damsels in distress in her books, but confident, lively, and relatable FMCs with a backbone. Doesn’t mean they’re not fallible—we all are, and overcoming our weaknesses and fears sure sends us on a wild ride sometimes.Become part of her Instagram family for more nicey-spicey looks inside her work, cool reels, and author announcements—find her here: the_ivlgbooks

Dark urban/paranormal fantasy with dark romance, suspense, and light horror

If good girls go to Heaven, then bad girls drag their psychiatrists to Hell.Torn between two worlds, succubus Ivangeline fights to level the scales of her heart’s needs and desires. Keeping her job as a soul hunter in another realm a secret from her human boyfriend fuels the waging war inside her but not as much as the forbidden love for her best friend. Fidelity can be a cruel and unforgiving thing, especially when hers gets tested and stretched to its limits by her sinfully alluring hunting partner.Dragging souls to Hell—oh, yes, she has done that over the past five years with a broad smile and her signature blades, but the day comes when one mission shall change her life forever. When Ivangeline explores her darkest and truest desires, she not only gambles with her morality but also her very sanity and soul.Her lie of a life comes with a price, a price that might be too high in the end, when the shadow of an ancient, dark prophecy traps her with its claws. Will karma force her to pay with everything she loves?Spitfire Ivangeline is about to find out when she steps into Hell’s fire of deception and lust.Now, if you were to die today, would karma fill your final thoughts with regret?

FREE - get your hands on chapters 1-3

A normal day in Hell - Ivy & Marcus

*please be kind, this interview is not proofread. It's just supposed to be a fun introduction.

Welcome to Hell Times Magazine and thank you for your time. I was looking forward to this interview for months! Ivangeline and Marcus, you've made yourselves quite a name as a hunter duo, not only in Hell's capital 3018 Belliz but also across our realm.So, Ivangeline, this is our first official interview in person—Ivy chuckles and flashes a sly grin
Ivy: Sorry. I don’t want to be rude, but my former psychiatrist used to start sessions that way, and oh boy, he pissed his pants when I dragged him to his Ruling in Hell. Please, call me Ivy.
That sounds like your job can get pretty messy. Tell us more about your upcoming missions.Ivy: In fact, I'm off on a new soul hunt tomorrow. Guess what? The wanted soul happens to be a psychiatrist as well. Dunno what it is with these doctors, but I'm hella excited for his reaction!Marcus scoffs
Marcus: Yeah, last time, your big-titty bonus earned you a ridiculously high tip from Chief Hardin for a category-three soul. Tsk, please! $50 says you'll pick a skimpy outfit in hopes to get another high tip!
Ivy: Avada Kefuckya, Blondie!
Marcus: Love ya, too, Eso Babe.
Well, the energy sizzles between you two. Let's pick up on that instead. Do you mind to elaborate on the nicknames?Ivy throws a telling look at MarcusMarcus flaunts a dimple-adorned grin
Marcus: I wouldn't mind scheduling an interview later, though. An exclusive behind-the-scenes tour through Hell's Discovery, Miss Hollen? Or at my place? I always wanted to do that since the first time I watched MTV's “My Crib.”
It's Mrs. Hollen, by the way. Now, what about—Marcus drapes an arm behind the chair, and his dimples deepen from the shit-eating grin on his face
Marcus: No problem, I can help with that and other things.
Oh—Ivy flourishes her hand toward Marcus and then taps her temple
Ivy: See? We both might have blonde hair but I'm obviously brighter than him—and, yes, I'm not only talking about what's up here. Go figure why I call him Blondie! Brace yourself—his crib is stuffed with Hell Mates pictures and his buddy The Hoff!
Ivy puts a finger into her mouth and pretends to gag
Psshhh, trust me, you don't wanna go there!
Marcus snorts and pokes Ivy in the ribs
Marcus: Want me to get started on esoteric? Ivy always finds the lamest excuses whenever shit doesn't go her way. Asteroids, transits, Mercury retro-something!
He cocks an eyebrow and jerks his chin at Ivy
She-Blade is batshit crazy!
Ivy: It's astrology, dumbo.Two minutes in and you both turn this interview into something very entertaining. Did anyone ever tell you that you sound like an old married couple?Ivy: He wish we were!
Marcus: Nah, thanks. Working with her Monday to Friday is enough stress for my balls. There's only so much a man can handle!
Ivy, tell us, what makes the job of a soul hunter so interesting. There aren't many female soul hunters out there.Ivy: I've wondered about that myself a lot of times in the past. To me, it's because the world—no matter which realm—is so muddled in gray. Especially relationships happen to be caught in the middle where things seldomly are what they seem. But hunting souls? There's no confusing gray area. It's either black or white. No in-between. I dig that.You have a point there. What about your weapons?Ivy pats the hilts of her blades behind her back
Ivy: Ingalls and Bennett, my kukri swords. My babies make every category-four soul hunt a fun trip. Unlike category threes, we don't drag souls with bodies. Side missions, where we cash in debts for our boss, are just as much fun! Did you know that I can decapitate my targets with my eyes blindfolded?
Marcus places a large Wildey handgun on the table
Marcus: Might be but do you know how much precision it takes to shoot through both eyes of a running target? Man, shit takes expertise!
No wonder you both have been riding a successful wave for five years. Any advice for newcomers?Ivy lights a thin cigarette
Ivy: Finish what you've started or it will finish you.
Marcus: Find yourself a partner who can make you appreciate every Monday. Bonus points when said partner has balls as huge as yours but minus the dick.
Ivy: Don‘t take them to Hell in your car! Dragged souls tend to vomit after switching realms. No bueno. Oh, and make use of the Gates, the guest entrance. The screams of Hell's residing souls never fail to make even the toughest guys cry like high school girls! So worth it.
On a last note, with all the soul hunts and side missions, is there any room for love?Marcus clicks his tongue and winks
Marcus: If my job was to please lovely ladies like you, Miss Hollen, I'd proudly claim myself a workaholic. Doing overtime Monday to Sunday!
Ivy: Ugh… A hookup line out of your crappy notebook? For real?
Marcus: Yeah, Ivy, why not tell her about your doomed-to-fail shitshow of a relationship? Oh, wait! Instead, tell her about your psycho werewolf mutt admirer, er, best friend! Doesn’t he happen to be a doctor as well? Dude's pathetically in love with her!
Ivy bolts out of her chair and throws Marcus a death glare from above
Ivy: Suck dick and choke on it, Blondie!
Marcus: Oops. She'll surely cut that out of the interview.
Marcus tilts his head to the side and gives me a naughty side glance
A fierce soul huntress, torn between two hearts! Our readers would surely love to hear about—Ivy: Abso-fucking-lutely not! You better not include that in the printed interview, otherwise, I'll let Ingalls and Bennett deliver my appreciation when I cut your break wires.So, a half werewolf? Who's the other lucky man?Ivy: Interview's over!
Ivy rushes out the room
That escalated quickly. Your partner has quite a temper.Marcus: My little spitfire can be a rude fuck, but she‘s cool most of the time. You should've seen her on the day of her job audition when I had my head between her legs and how she threatened me with one of her kukris. I'm a sucker for fiery ladies! It was a Monday—I hope you enjoyed your first glimpse of our soul hunter duo. Read the first three chapters for free & drag your first soul to Hell.

The cover and interior design of Between Devils and Dragons - Hellish Lies is dedicated to all readers who appreciate the true and raw beauty of dark fantasy.
This book invites you to slow down and shut out reality with all its noises and distractions.
Read with your heart, mind, and soul - you'll see and feel things differently. Promise.
Cover design by inspirited books Grafikdesign
Character art (paperback interior ) by Hugor & Hugorky Rodriguez illustrate_vnzl, Fiverr artist duo
Interior design by IVLG
Formatting by Samantha Pico

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Author Spotlight Interview
Addy O'Brien
“Good Witch Gone Bad”
Dark Fantasy Romance
Available formats: Paperback and e-book
KindleUnlimited: Yes
Names of the main characters: Raven & Silas
Age of the main characters: Raven is 26 and Silas is centuries old (wouldn't want to give too much away since this is part of the plot.)
Species of the main characters: Raven is a witch and Silas is a demon.

Welcome to Hell Times Magazine, Addy. My name's Pyrodius. It's a pleasure having you here today. How was your trip to Hell? The Gates, our guest entrance, never fails to leave a lasting impression. I hope the screams of the doomed didn't scare you. It's not often that they get to lay eyes on souls who don't belong here... for now.I feel rather comfortable surrounded by flames, Pyrodius… thanks for asking! I've always said Hell must have the best music, so it's an honour being here at Hell Times Magazine as one of your first author guests.

Our readers are as hungry for books as they are drawn to dark delights. Trigger warnings are always highly appreciated. Let's serve the first dish. What level of darkness can they expect from your book? (See Darkness Level chart at the bottom)
"Good Witch Gone Bad" has a Darkness Level of 2, and has the following Trigger Warnings:

Graphic Violence: The novel contains highly graphic scenes of violence which are detailed and central to the story’s progression.
Blood and Gore: There are descriptions of blood and depictions of gore throughout the narrative, sometimes in places where it shouldn’t be used.
Traumatic Pasts: The characters in this story have complex backgrounds, which include references to past traumatic experiences such as sexual assault (SA), torture, and abuse. These are not depicted directly but are spoken about or referenced in the narrative.
Torture and Abuse: The story includes mentions of torture methods, including flogging, and various forms of abuse. These are part of the characters’ histories and are not depicted in real-time but discussed retrospectively.
Dark and Intense Themes: The overall tone of the book is dark and intense, exploring themes of vengeance, wrath, and the moral complexities of justice and retribution. Whilst I consider this a dark romance fantasy novel, it doesn’t bleed into the romantic ARC between Raven and Silas.”
In terms of my opinion about these topics? I am quite Trigger Warning-happy. Both as an author and as a reader, I firmly believe there is beauty in the subjective term "ugly". For me to connect with my characters, I dig deep into their past to try and understand what makes them who they are, what drives and what motivates them to act the way they act.In Raven and Silas' case, their pasts haven't unfortunately been pretty, and it didn't feel right to skip such a detrimental part of their stories to cater to popular reading standards. Their tale is as raw as they are.

Let's dig a little deeper, shall we? Take us to your favorite dark scene. We'd love to hear how it felt writing it and why you picked this one in particular.
CONTENT WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD If you haven't read "Good Witch Gone Bad" yet and you're thinking about giving it a go, I'd recommend you skip to the next question now.Writing the scene where Raven is forcefully taken to The Skylands, where she regains her memories as Selene, was nothing short of cathartic. Everything seemed to move in slow motion inside my mind, and alongside the music setting the mood, I felt like a hidden spectator to one of the most beautiful acts of unfiltered revenge I have ever come up with.Raven gets a taste of her powers earlier on in the book, but in this scene right here? We get to see the darkness in her fully unleashed, where her primal instincts are nothing but to eradicate those she considers a threat. I am not that much into gore, but it felt like I was seeing it all with my own eyes. Blood splattering all over Raven until there wasn't an inch of her skin bathed in crimson, the sound of torn limbs against a deadly silent hall where there was nothing but laughter a few moments ago… We get to witness the birth of a monster, born by the cruel acts of others against an innocent woman.I still get chills when thinking about it!

To appreciate the dark, you have to know the light. Name a scene that gives our readers... ah, what do humans use to describe such things? Ah, right... joy, hope, or simply a good laugh that keeps them from sinking into a bottomless depth while reading your book. Excuse me, I personally have a different understanding of joy, but I'm aware that the majority of Hell Times Magazine's readership shows a growing interest in all things outside our world.
Hope is such a subjective feeling to describe; what some might find therapeutic or empowering, can be extremely triggering for others. Since we are both being honest here, here's my take on "Good Witch Gone Bad": for me, the whole story is one of hope. Of change. It's an example of how one person can break free from what others have imposed on them, and how it's possible to find out who you really are, even if it's later on in life. My goal whilst writing this story was to empower those women who are scared to take that first step towards change, too scared to embrace it, because we all like to hide our darkness from others as if we owe the world the image of a perfect "woman".

Now, onto the romance part. Let our readers swoon over your favorite intimate/emotional scene, and tell us why you chose this one.
“Careful there, pretty boy,” I say, smiling at him. “One might think you’ve forgotten me.”Their story is one of fated mates, destined to forget and find each other, and there is nothing I find more romantic than the thought of two souls fighting against all odds to be together again, but I can't give too many details about their romance without compromising the plot of "Good Witch Gone Rogue", the second part of The Shadowlands duet.Just know this: their bodies recognise each other even before they are aware of it; there are queues in the way they use nicknames for each other that roll off the tongue way too easily for two strangers who have just met, or an unexplainable pull between them that feels natural. They question it, but they don't fight it.

I still cannot fathom why humans hide their most sinful desires, but one thing I know for sure—a lot of them might be closed-off in the human realm, buttoning their little cardigans up to their throats, but once in Hell... oh, Addy, I've met many dragged souls... they all crave sinful delights. Tell us what spice level our readers can expect from your book and don't leave out the trigger warnings. (See Spice Level chart at the bottom)
In terms of Darkness, I've rated "Good Witch Gone Bad" as a level 2, but given the nature of the sexual scenes between Raven and Silas in this book, I'd consider it a level 3 in terms of spice. There are taboo kinks such as blood play, which can be extremely triggering for some, or the use of bodily parts (such as Silas' tail) for DVP, which can be a bit hardcore for some? HahaThere isn't an extensive amount of spicy scenes in the book, but whenever these two get to it, they are a whole chapter long and they do not fade to black, so take that as you will! In my humble opinion, this bullet point on my Trigger Warning list (which you'll find in the Foreword of the book) sums it best: “Blood and Gore: There are descriptions of blood and depictions of gore throughout the narrative, sometimes in places where it shouldn’t be used.”

Let's keep up the intensity level. We don't do coy at Hell Times Magazine. Is there a spicy scene that makes you want to switch roles with your FMC?
Can I say all of them? Since this is my debut novel, I have written what I would personally enjoy consuming as a reader, rather than catering to my target audience of readers. So yes, in a way, I've put down on paper all the wild fantasies I've had, imagining what I would do if a 7ft 6in demon would show up at my doorstep!Still, as biased as I am, when Raven agrees to sign the contract with Silas and catches him by surprise by saying "Any hole will do, right?" is my favourite. We get to see the dominance she has been displaying as his Master translated into their sexual dynamic. Silas is used to being the lead, the dominant one –after all, he is the ruler of The Shadowlands– yet he can't help but act like an obedient pup, all in the name of having some fun.This is what is known as "switch" in the kink world, a role I personally identify with, and I wanted both to portray these traits as well.

I know our readers love to get exclusive insights into their favorite author's mind. Are there personal traits, quirks, or fears you've used to form your characters?
Raven suffers from anxiety and PTSD from previous experiences that have shaped the way she sees the world, both diagnoses being something we have in common. "Good Witch Gone Bad" started as part of my own therapy, where I would escape to my made-up world to avoid confronting what happened around me in real life. Needless to say, my subconscious was working hard behind the scenes to kick-start a healing journey I am still on. Also, as I exposed in previous answers, my kinks!

Hell only knows black or white—no in between—and I want you to choose. Live your FMC's life for a year or your MMC's for a month? All troubles, drama, etc included. Tell us more about your choice.
That is such a hard question to answer! But Raven's life is the one that calls to me the most. Her character growth and inner strength are qualities I aspire to achieve in the future, so I'd happily live her life as a slaved witch and, who knows? I might break free from the Coven as well and start burning my enemies down! Hahaha.Neither one of them has had it easy, that's for sure, but if it comes to choosing between two evils, I have to go with the one I know I would be able to endure (and if you have read "Good Witch Gone Bad" already, you'll know Silas' past hasn't fully been revealed yet.)

It came to my attention that publishing a book isn't as easy as shattering souls. I'm intrigued. Were there moments where you thought “I wish someone would've told me about this.”? And I'm not talking about those inspirational quotes humans seem to love. I've heard some of you even have them framed above your beds. You're species is truly... interesting. No, we're talking about the many pitfalls in publishing. Let that be formatting/editing/content guidelines/cover issues, etc. Or do you mind sharing regrets you've learned from?
There are so many things I wish I would have done differently! Those who have been following my journey know how many struggles I have faced in the span of a year with the big corporation we all love and loathe in equal measures.If there's one thing I'd say to any writers hoping to put their work out there, surround yourself with others who might have been where you are now (this applies to indie authors, artists, designers, etc.). Having a tribe with whom you can openly ask questions without feeling judged makes this whole process less lonely and overwhelming.Another thing is delegating to experts in your field; I am the kind of person who likes to do it all herself (write, design, format, character art… you name it!). Make sure you hire experts who will take a load off your shoulders (such as proofreaders and editors) and if you're clever, ask for references! I have been scammed twice before I could hit that "publish" button, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

I might be a lot of things, Addy, but above all, I'm a nosy demon. Do you have any upcoming releases or can you share juicy details about any current WIP?
"Good Witch Gone Rogue" will be released later this year, in October 2024, just in time for Halloween! Having a spooky release is what I wished I could have done with "Good Witch Gone Bad" but, alas, it wasn't meant to be. So this time around, there'll be loads of exciting surprises leading to the release date!I am also working on two separate projects, one that has been demanded by my readers after getting a short story as a thank-you gift from me (yes, Blaine and Allegra will have their own book, but it's too early to say anything else about their story!)The other project I am working on is another duet (that I promise will stay a duet and won't further progress into a series). Pimedius, would you like to have an exclusive to the title of both books in the duet?Well, of course!I thought you'd like that. The first book will be called "Chasing Onyx" and the second one will be "Breaking Silver". It's a loose retelling of Mr. and Mrs. Smith, enemies to lovers, packed with action and plot twists that had me gawking at the screen whilst writing it. There isn't a confirmed release date yet, but as soon as I know it, you'll be the first one to hear it (;

Fantastic! That's what I like to hear. This might be just out of personal interest, but where do you see yourself as an author two years from now? Lower realm folks have to deal with shattered souls every day, but even we have dreams to chase. Tell us yours.I've gone from having this vision as a dream to working hard towards making it my reality. The goal is to become an author full-time, as well as work with other indie authors to provide them with personalised services. I have been collaborating with another author to bring her stories to life in English from Spanish, and I'd love to do the same with English authors who would like to see their works in English-speaking regions. Living in Spain offers me the opportunity to be directly in the field and reach out to Publishing Houses that otherwise indie authors wouldn't be able to work with, and I can't wait to see what comes out of this crazy goal!

On a last note, one of our readers won the chance to ask you a question. Believe me, we had a lot of them offer their souls to get said chance. But, of course, we at Hell Times Magazine don't support bribery. Officially.
By @scarlettreadssmut : What was your favorite scene to write? Was it from personal experience? 😈Picking a single scene as a favourite is extremely hard, and even though I loved every second of the spicy scenes, the ending of the book triggered something in me I wasn't expecting.Female rage has been depicted as "hysterical" and "hormonal" in both media and literature for many years, but my experience as a woman has been totally different from what I have seen before, and I have only ever felt seen a few times in my life, so the last scene in "Good Witch Gone Bad" was my take on this powerful feeling.We see Raven progressively losing her chains and breaking away from the social construct she's been forced to portray throughout the book (partially thanks to Silas' help): being an obedient witch without an opinion, meant to tend to humans, sworn to do good until the end of her days.But in this last scene, in the climax of it all, her rage reaches its zenith in the most frivolous and calculated way: she removes any trace of emotion along with her actual heart, bringing the metaphor to life, so nothing gets in the way of her pursuit of revenge.I can still feel the sharpness of her nails on my skin as I was writing it as if I had been transported to that bathtub… a memory I will hold on to for dear life.

Your time is highly appreciated, Addy. Thank you so much for joining us today and stripping bare for us. Your time in Hell is up. Our chauffeur awaits you in the lobby.
telephone rings
Oh, excuse me.
Well, well. It seems Marcus Ferrow has offered to give you an exclusive behind-the-scenes tour through Hell's Discovery, our soul-hunting institution. If you ask my humble opinion: think twice before you accept. Ivy, his soul hunter partner, was already hollering in the background. I think I heard the words Man Whore and Hasselhoff.Ah, these two...However, I wish you a wonderful way back into the human realm, Addy, and lots of success for your future. Take this as a sincere farewell: may we never see each other again.

Darkness Level 1
mild violence (not too graphic/ mixed with off-page scenes, no gore)
no sexual assault/rape/molesting (might have mentions of past trauma)
morally “okay“ main characters (no murderers, stalkers, addicts, etc.)
Darkness Level 2
graphic violence (no gore)
sexual assault (no rape, no molesting, might have mentions of past trauma)
morally gray main characters (can be murderers, stalkers, addicts, etc.)
Darkness Level 3
graphic violence/gore
sexual assault/rape/molesting
morally gray/black main characters (reserved for the proud psychos)

Spice Level 1
sexual scenes (not too graphic/short scenes/mixed with fade to black scenes or mentions of off-page sex)
no kinks (definitely safe to mention at your Auntie Betty's)
no one gets called a good girl for Daddy or has to manage more than 2 dongs
Spice Level 2
graphic sexual scenes
kinks (degrading, praising, chocking, etc., anything not considered too taboo)
Spice Level 3
many graphic or intense sexual scenes, or very long scenes
taboo kinks/group fun/special dongs

If you're here to read the extended list of trigger/content warnings—good, then shop away!
Find out more about the unique style of Between Devils and Dragons below or go straight to BookFunnel to claim your free sample chapters.

Author Spotlight Interview
Jewel Jeffers
“Blood So Black”
Dark Fantasy Romance
Available formats: Ebook, Paperback, Hardcover
KindleUnlimited: Yes
Names of the main characters: Marie, Levington (Levi), Corivina, Markos, Darius
Age of the main characters: 19, 19, 223, 223, 323
Species of the main characters: Fae, Human

Welcome to Hell Times Magazine, Jewel. My name's Pyrodius. It's a pleasure having you here today. How was your trip to Hell? The Gates, our guest entrance, never fails to leave a lasting impression. I hope the screams of the doomed didn't scare you. It's not often that they get to lay eyes on souls who don't belong here... for now.The screams are fine though I much prefer cries, specifically my readers'.

Our readers are as hungry for books as they are drawn to dark delights. Trigger warnings are always highly appreciated. Let's serve the first dish. What level of darkness can they expect from your book? (See Darkness Level chart at the bottom)
Level 2.
TW: graphic violence, physical assault, murder/character death, rape (off page), child loss/abortion, self-harm, and suicidal thoughts.
My books are filled with chaos that punches you in your heart. I want your tears, not the corruption of your soul. I’m attracted to tragedy, to the macabre and focus on that in my writing. I try to make everything feel natural, nothing is added to my book with the intention of being “dark” or for shock value. If one were to cut the dark parts from the story it would change every aspect of it. My characters are impacted by their trauma and act like people who are impacted by trauma.

Let's dig a little deeper, shall we? Take us to your favorite dark scene. We'd love to hear how it felt writing it and why you picked this one in particular.
The biting scene in Blood So Black is so utterly tragic because of everything that leads up to it. Blood So Black follows a mother who lives a tragic life and her daughter who gets wrapped in it. Marie is in love, yet her love is toxic. Her mate is possessive for many reasons then gets triggered because of her mother and starts biting Marie which temporarily paralyzes her. It was an accident on his part because if she was fully fae that wouldn't have happened, and Marie, for the first time, fears who she loves. I love this scene because it shows how the people we love can also hurt us without even realizing it. (Marie's mate doesn't even realize she is paralyzed until she tells him much later.) I love how toxic love can get. I find it interesting how love can consume someone and then corrupt them, and I explore that theme throughout the series.

To appreciate the dark, you have to know the light. Name a scene that gives our readers... ah, how do humans use to describe such things? Ah, right... joy, hope, or simply a good laugh that keeps them from sinking into a bottomless depth while reading your book. Excuse me, I personally have a different understanding of joy, but I'm aware that the majority of Hell Times Magazine's readership shows a growing interest in all things outside our world.
Hope, joy, and happiness are all the seeds to create pain. If life was only pain you'd not feel the agony. My readers are called pain sluts because I love to dish out pain, so there are many moments of joy in my book. There's a snowball fight that is my favorite scene in the book. There's a mother giving birth to her babe, and declarations of love as well. Readers experience a whole range of emotions when reading my books. I try to imitate the human experience in the inked pages no matter the fact that I write fantasy. Maybe you’ll give it a read and can learn a thing or two about inflicting emotional pain.

Oh, I've never been one to torture. But listening? There's something utterly mesmerizing to human voices when they're on the brink of losing their minds. If you listen closely, you can catch the different nuances in their cries. I pride myself in being able to hear how long someone has been down here, simply by listening.

Now, onto the romance part. Let our readers swoon over your favorite intimate/emotional scene, and tell us why you chose this one.
“Well, your father is the Slut King, King Dominick is the Party King.”
Levi snorted. “My father is complex, yet he gets stuck with Slut King.”
I giggled. “What do you want to be?”
“The Mated King, or The King Who Loves Marie, or The King Who Will Kill Anyone Who Fucks With His Queen.” He pressed his lips to mine lightly.
“You are annoying.”
“You like annoying people.”
I love romance. My books will always be focused on relationships, good and bad. There are two romance plot lines in this series, Marie's and Corivina’s. Marie's is pretty straightforward in book one but becomes complicated throughout the series because mates are toxic and cause war. Corivina’s romance is between her future and her past. It’s clear who she’ll choose between the two males. It is not a love triangle, but Corivina struggles with letting go of the pain from the past and projecting it into the present. She’s complicated and a lot of people don’t understand her, but her story is written for those who need her, and I know those who relate to feel heard when they read it.

I still cannot fathom why humans hide their most sinful desires, but one thing I know for sure—a lot of them might be closed-off in the human realm, buttoning their little cardigans up to their throats, but once in Hell... oh, Jewel, I've met many dragged souls... they all crave sinful delights. Tell us what spice level our readers can expect from your book and don't leave out the trigger warnings. (See Spice Level chart at the bottom)
Spice level 2
Spicy scenes in total: 14
TW: explicit sex, dubious consent, non-consensual sex.

Let's keep up the intensity level. We don't do coy at Hell Times Magazine. Is there a spicy scene that makes you want to switch roles with your FMC?
There’s clit biting and I really like it rough.

I know our readers love to get exclusive insights into their favorite author's mind. Are there personal traits, quirks, or fears you've used to form your characters?
I try to make all my characters part of me. All of them carry notes of myself, some good and some bad. My most personal character is Corivina. She is the dark parts that I wish to hide, and Marie is the light that I want to shine, but all my characters have parts of me in them. I bleed myself into my characters so I can express the multiple facets of myself through them.

Hell only knows black or white—no in between—and I want you to choose. Live your FMC's life for a year or your MMC's for a month? All troubles, drama, etc included. Tell us more about your choice.
I kind of have to choose the FMC because I know what happens in the end * covers eyes emoji *.

It came to my attention that publishing a book isn't as easy as shattering souls. I'm intrigued. Were there moments where you thought “I wish someone would've told me about this.”? And I'm not talking about those inspirational quotes humans seem to love. I've heard some of you even have them framed above your beds. You're species is truly... interesting. No, we're talking about the many pitfalls in publishing. Let that be formatting/editing/content guidelines/cover issues, etc. Or do you mind sharing regrets you've learned from?
Social media. Marketing is the biggest tool for selling your book and not many people talk about how to do it correctly. Yes, you should post a lot but engagement is key. Engage, engage, engage. I struggled with this because social media is not my favorite thing in the world but I am working at commenting on people’s posts and engaging with my followers. People like to be seen as people and when you do that, they are more likely to engage back with you. More engagement, more people, more eyes on your books.

I might be a lot of things, Jewel, but above all, I'm a nosy demon. Do you have any upcoming releases or can you share juicy details about any current WIP?
My next release is the third book in this series–Soul Made of Silver. It comes out 4/12, and it is the last book in the series. I’m super excited for my next book TCR. (Title reveal 3/30) I’m changing a lot about my writing with this book. It’s a bully paranormal romance with a plus-size FMC. Also, I’ll announce it here first, the Fae of the Sun and Moon world isn’t over. I’m going to share more about it in April, but just know I’m not fully done with that world and there is more to come.

Fantastic! We feel honored to have you share these news here. Thank you! This might be just out of personal interest, but where do you see yourself as an author two years from now? Lower realm folks have to deal with shattered souls every day, but even we have dreams to chase. Tell us yours.I didn’t grow up wanting to be an author. I loved dancing as a child, but that just never seemed to work out. I liked reading as a kid but I didn’t fall in love with it until after high school. I tended to go through phases so I thought reading was just a phase. One day, a year into that phase, I was like "Let's write a book just for fun. I don’t have to be an author. This can be just for me." That was August 2021. In November 2021, I made my 2022 resolution to publish a book. I had barely written anything for BSB and I told myself the book was going to be shitty but just to do it anyway because I'll get better later, and I believe I have. Now, I can't imagine doing anything else. Maybe after I publish all the ideas in my head (Which I have enough for at least seven or eight years,) I will move on to something else but I love writing. I love creating something that takes time and consumes you. I love reading so much that I barely watch TV because I would rather read. And I don't see that ever changing. Something about being an author just feels right. I don’t believe in purpose, but I do believe some things are meant to happen, and I think writing is what is meant for me.

On a last note, one of our readers won the chance to ask you a question. Believe me, we had a lot of them offer their souls to get said chance. But, of course, we at Hell Times Magazine don't support bribery. Officially.
By @gemma.reads.xo : If you could go back and rewrite this book, would it end the same? Did your feelings change about it since publishing?The book ending is the stepping stone to the rest of the series, so the ending would have always been the same. I’ve thought about whether I would rewrite this book and the answer is no. It isn’t perfect and I plan to do a line edit to clean it up in the future, but I think it is as it is meant to be, and I’m happy with that.

Your time is highly appreciated, Jewel. Thank you so much for joining us today and stripping bare for us. Your time in Hell is up. Our chauffeur awaits you in the lobby.
telephone rings
Oh, excuse me.
Well, well. It seems Marcus Ferrow has offered to give you an exclusive behind-the-scenes tour through Hell's Discovery, our soul-hunting institution. If you ask my humble opinion: think twice before you accept. Ivy, his soul hunter partner, was already hollering in the background. I think I heard the words Man Whore and Hasselhoff.Ah, these two...However, I wish you a wonderful way back into the human realm, Jewel, and lots of success for your future. Take this as a sincere farewell: may we never meet again.

Darkness Level 1
mild violence (not too graphic/ mixed with off-page scenes, no gore)
no sexual assault/rape/molesting (might have mentions of past trauma)
morally “okay“ main characters (no murderers, stalkers, addicts, etc.)
Darkness Level 2
graphic violence (no gore)
sexual assault (no rape, no molesting, might have mentions of past trauma)
morally gray main characters (can be murderers, stalkers, addicts, etc.)
Darkness Level 3
graphic violence/gore
sexual assault/rape/molesting
morally gray/black main characters (reserved for the proud psychos)

Spice Level 1
sexual scenes (not too graphic/short scenes/mixed with fade to black scenes or mentions of off-page sex)
no kinks (definitely safe to mention at your Auntie Betty's)
no one gets called a good girl for Daddy or has to manage more than 2 dongs
Spice Level 2
graphic sexual scenes
kinks (degrading, praising, chocking, etc., anything not considered too taboo)
Spice Level 3
many graphic or intense sexual scenes, or very long scenes
taboo kinks/group fun/special dongs

Author Spotlight Interview
Cyran Faringray
“The Pale Daughter and The Tyrant Prince”
Dark Fantasy Villain Romance
Available formats: Ebook & Paperback (/w special interior formatting by Cyran Faringray)
KindleUnlimited: Yes
Names of the main characters: Zalthorn & Nyxis
Age of the main characters: Zalthorn is over 200 years old, Nyx is in her 20s
Species of the main characters: Zal is a Demon Prince/Archdemon, he has three pairs of horns, a tail, and wings. Nyx is a mortal Xar’vathi, she has horns, a tail, and pointed ears

Welcome to Hell Times Magazine, Cyran. My name's Pyrodius. It's a pleasure having you here today. How was your trip to Hell? The Gates, our guest entrance, never fails to leave a lasting impression. I hope the screams of the doomed didn't scare you. It's not often that they get to lay eyes on souls who don't belong here... for now.Bold of you to assume this is my first time here. But the journey was lovely, thank you!

Our readers are as hungry for books as they are drawn to dark delights. Trigger warnings are always highly appreciated. Let's serve the first dish. What level of darkness can they expect from your book? (See Darkness Level chart at the bottom)
Level 3.I think according to your chart, Darkness Level 3 would be appropriate. Since my main characters are morally black villains, evil deeds are on the daily schedule for them. Necromancy, violence, gore, murder, torture… name it, and they’ve probably done it!Personally, I don’t write violence for shock value or simply to freak out my readers. Any violent act makes sense for the characters, their motivations and personality, or is simply needed to drive that particular scene.However, I also never want to write straight up SA or rape. I would never judge someone else for writing or reading either, but it’s just not for me. Heavy dubcon or CNC happen in my books, but while my characters might be villains, they love their partners and romantic interests deeply (even if in their own, twisted ways) and all parties involved always end up enjoying themselves.This is actually something that is incredibly important to me. In their relationships, I want my villains to show their softer side, while still staying evil toward the rest of the world.

Let's dig a little deeper, shall we? Take us to your favorite dark scene. We'd love to hear how it felt writing it and why you picked this one in particular.
This is a tough one! Hard to decide between the public scene during the feast with the blood lube, the primal chase through the forest where he bites off her little finger in the throes of passion, or the sex pact while they fuck on an ancient altar… But I think for now, I’ll go with the pact.The scene was such an emotional climax (ha, what a pun) for them both, which made it extra special to write.
Even the setting itself carries a lot of symbolism to begin with.
Zal brings Nyx to this long abandoned ritual site in a forest full of glowing blooms and magical trees, where fated mates in the Hells used to forge their soul bond before the tradition was abandoned. There are luminescent crystals, a waterfall, and in the middle of a shimmering pond, the altar on which they perform the bonding.He’s been going there ever since he was a boy, and it’s his secret place, but he wanted to show it to her, and only her.
First though, he confesses his feelings to her, and they undress each other, baring themselves to the other, both in a metaphorical and a physical way.
The ritual itself is bloody and violent. After all, Zal slices open Nyx’s chest and cuts out her heart while fucking her. But not before binding her life force to his! That means if he dies, she dies, too, and in exchange, he lends her a portion of his power for her to wield.He keeps her heart in an enchanted jewelry box only he can open and treats it like the most precious treasure he’s ever possessed. To him, it most definitely is.It’s kind of a bit like a demonic version of a wedding, just… gorier. And if literally giving your beating heart to someone as proof of your love and trust isn’t both dark af and peak romance, then I don’t know.

To appreciate the dark, you have to know the light. Name a scene that gives our readers... ah, how do humans use to describe such things? Ah, right... joy, hope, or simply a good laugh that keeps them from sinking into a bottomless depth while reading your book. Excuse me, I personally have a different understanding of joy, but I'm aware that the majority of Hell Times Magazine's readership shows a growing interest in all things outside our world.
Okay, when it comes to a good laugh, I have an absolute favorite!At one point, Nyx gets cornered and she decides to fight her way out. That being said, she’s not really a brawler or the type of person to swing a sword. But because she’s a performer and entertainer at heart (she IS a bard, after all) she decides to mask her fear with a little pizzazz… which kinda involves her swinging a dagger with her tail, and—things don’t go as planned. I grinned like a fool writing that scene, it’s hilarious and absolutely encapsulates Nyx’s hidden side! You’ll have to read it to understand.

Now, onto the romance part. Let our readers swoon over your favorite intimate/emotional scene, and tell us why you chose this one.
You sure know how to ask the toughest questions!Probably the scene where Nyx tries to revive a dead friend through her necromancy. They’re not bonded yet at this point, and Zal knows she isn’t as magically experienced as she pretends to be. In his mind, he goes through the risks of the spell. He could lend her his power, but he decides to let her do it her way, using only her own magic, because he knows how important this is for Nyx. Still, he keeps a watchful eye on her, ready to help if anything goes wrong.And when it does go wrong, well, he doesn’t ridicule her, he doesn’t minimize her grief. Zal is simply there for her, holds her, and lets her cry. He’s her rock.That’s really the first time Nyx allows herself to show vulnerability and rely on someone else, so that scene hit hard and warmed my soul at the same time.

I still cannot fathom why humans hide their most sinful desires, but one thing I know for sure—a lot of them might be closed-off in the human realm, buttoning their little cardigans up to their throats, but once in Hell... oh, Cyran, I've met many dragged souls... they all crave sinful delights. Tell us what spice level our readers can expect from your book and don't leave out the trigger warnings. (See Spice Level chart at the bottom)
Spice level 3I couldn’t agree more!Personally, I fit in spice scenes and kinks how/when they match the characters’ motivations or make sense within the plot. To me, “The Pale Daughter & The Tyrant Prince” is definitely a ghost pepper level of spice. I mean just talking about trigger warnings, we’ve got almost everything from standard stuff like blood play, hand necklaces, public play, and knife play to double peens, primal chasing, and erotic flesh consumption.The last one is probably what stands out most to readers, the flesh bit.When I published my debut “The Unbeating Heart” and then afterwards this book, “The Pale Daughter & The Tyrant Prince”—I had never seen erotic cannibalism or hard vore in other published works… and my first two books both had it! I didn’t realize how much people would love it. In fact, there is a little erotic flesh consumption in all of my full-length stories.Actually, I don’t really like the term vore much. I don’t think it fits my novels that well.
Vore is usually associated with pretty extreme violence and sheer brutality, often even with death of a character. All that is out of the question for my villains.
When they take a little bite out of their beloved (or chomp off a finger), it’s an act of passion, an act of losing control over their yearning. It’s not done to harm or terrify. It’s an expression of their (twisted) love, their boundless desire, and their need to be as close as possible to the other person.So yeah, erotic flesh consumption probably fits a little better, but the term is a mouthful, ha!Just please, keep this one fictional. Don’t try this at home. Or any of the other dangerous things!

Let's keep up the intensity level. We don't do coy at Hell Times Magazine. Is there a spicy scene that makes you want to switch roles with your FMC?
Now that would be telling…

Too bad. Your darkness called to me. It's not often a mortal shares the same preferences as me and my kin.

Our readers love to get exclusive insights into their favorite author's mind. Are there personal traits, quirks, or fears you've used to form your characters?
I think us authors put a little bit of ourselves into all our characters, whether intentionally or not.For example, in “The Pale Daughter & The Tyrant Prince” Nyx has some of my ADHD traits, and much like myself, she always puts up a front and keeps acting strong, no matter how bad she feels.And I definitely feel as protective of my loved ones as Zal does!

Hell only knows black or white—no in between—and I want you to choose. Live your FMC's life for a year or your MMC's for a month? All troubles, drama, etc included. Tell us more about your choice.
I’d live Nyx’s life for the rest of my own existence, no questions asked. She’s confident, capable, talented, and beautiful… plus she has an Archdemon who worships her—what’s not to love?

It came to my attention that publishing a book isn't as easy as shattering souls. I'm intrigued. Were there moments where you thought “I wish someone would've told me about this.”? And I'm not talking about those inspirational quotes humans seem to love. I've heard some of you even have them framed above your beds. You're species is truly... interesting. No, we're talking about the many pitfalls in publishing. Let that be formatting/editing/content guidelines/cover issues, etc. Or do you mind sharing regrets you've learned from?
I could write an entire, very long essay about this, but I will keep things brief for now.As a chronically ill/disabled person without a penny to spare, my publishing journey has been extremely hard. I think I am beyond burned out, to be honest.
I do almost everything myself, from content to formatting to website maintenance, some of my covers, etc… the list goes on.
Plus as a queer author who is also neurodivergent, it’s extra hard to get my books seen.
Publishing is so exhausting and often very isolating.I guess I could also sum it up like this…
If you’re a debut author, for the love of fuck, take care of your mental health as best you can! This is a tough business that chews up and spits out hundreds of folks every year. Make sure you have a trusted friend or two to vent to.
This next one is super important to me personally and has saved my sanity over and over:
Get a hobby that has nothing to do with writing or reading. Just something that takes you away from all that, entirely. It’s like a refresh for the brain!
And for all the awesome readers out there, I have one as well:
If you love an indie book (especially from small and marginalized authors), shout about it from the rooftops! Recommend it in comment sections, Facebook groups, Reddit threads, tell your friends, your family, your dog… you get my point. Of course, only where recommendations are welcome.
Word of mouth is literally EVERYTHING to us!

I might be a lot of things, Cyran, but above all, I'm a nosy demon. Do you have any upcoming releases or can you share juicy details about any current WIP?
I work best if I keep my projects close to my chest until I’m truly ready… and right now, I’m definitely not ready. But I can promise it’s already looking spicy, dark, and delicious. More information on this to come soon…AND! I already have a total of six books out, all set in the same fantasy universe, following different couples. They’re all dark af, spicy af, and full of macabre romance that’ll make you fall for the villain. Plus, apart from “The Unbeating Heart” they are all standalones and can be read in any order. You can find them in Kindle Unlimited or as ebook and paperback on Amazon.

This might be just out of personal interest, but where do you see yourself as an author two years from now? Lower realm folks have to deal with shattered souls every day, but even we have dreams to chase. Tell us yours.My big dream is to afford safe housing for my family, plus making sure we never have to go without heating or worry about buying food again. So that’s where I hope to see myself in two years.

On a last note, one of our readers won the chance to ask you a question. Believe me, we had a lot of them offer their souls to get said chance. But, of course, we at Hell Times Magazine don't support bribery. Officially.
By @schoema.riamwa : How do you pick your characters' names?I often play around with words from my fave languages (like Latin, Russian, German, French and more) which suit a character’s personality or arc and let myself be inspired, put my own spin on it. I also try to use names I’ve not seen elsewhere. Of course, this isn’t always possible, but to my knowledge, Zalthorn is a unique name, for example. So is Yrvaeth, the MMC from my gothic romance “Love Like Gilded Bones”.

Your time is highly appreciated, Cyran. Thank you so much for joining us today and stripping bare for us. Your time in Hell is up. Our chauffeur awaits you in the lobby.
telephone rings
Oh, excuse me.
Well, well. It seems Marcus Ferrow has offered to give you an exclusive behind-the-scenes tour through Hell's Discovery, our soul-hunting institution. If you ask my humble opinion: think twice before you accept. Ivy, his soul hunter partner, was already hollering in the background. I think I heard the words Man Whore and Hasselhoff.Ah, these two...However, I wish you a wonderful way back into the human realm, Cyran, and lots of success for your future. Take this as a sincere farewell: may we never meet again.

Darkness Level 1
mild violence (not too graphic/ mixed with off-page scenes, no gore)
no sexual assault/rape/molesting (might have mentions of past trauma)
morally “okay“ main characters (no murderers, stalkers, addicts, etc.)
Darkness Level 2
graphic violence (no gore)
sexual assault (no rape, no molesting, might have mentions of past trauma)
morally gray main characters (can be murderers, stalkers, addicts, etc.)
Darkness Level 3
graphic violence/gore
sexual assault/rape/molesting
morally gray/black main characters (reserved for the proud psychos)

Spice Level 1
sexual scenes (not too graphic/short scenes/mixed with fade to black scenes or mentions of off-page sex)
no kinks (definitely safe to mention at your Auntie Betty's)
no one gets called a good girl for Daddy or has to manage more than 2 dongs
Spice Level 2
graphic sexual scenes
kinks (degrading, praising, chocking, etc., anything not considered too taboo)
Spice Level 3
many graphic or intense sexual scenes, or very long scenes
taboo kinks/group fun/special dongs

Author Spotlight Interview
Nicole M. Rubino
Dark Fantasy Romance X Dark Academia
Available formats: Paperback and ebook
KindleUnlimited: Yes
Names of the main characters: Rhiannon or “Rhi”, Nick Cervallos, Scarlett, Astrid, Liv, Zo
Age of the main characters: 18 (all the girls) 20 - Nick
Species of the main characters: Half human, half monsters

Welcome to Hell Times Magazine, Nicole. My name's Pyrodius. It's a pleasure having you here today. How was your trip to Hell? The Gates, our guest entrance, never fails to leave a lasting impression. I hope the screams of the doomed didn't scare you. It's not often that they get to lay eyes on souls who don't belong here... for now.I have four very young children. Absolutely nothing scares me.

Our readers are as hungry for books as they are drawn to dark delights. Trigger warnings are always highly appreciated. Let's serve the first dish. What level of darkness can they expect from your book? (See Darkness Level chart at the bottom)
Level 1-2.Darkness level is a mix of one and two. There is graphic violence with gore, mention of SA and light on-page SA.

Let's dig a little deeper, shall we? Take us to your favorite dark scene. We'd love to hear how it felt writing it and why you picked this one in particular.
My favorite dark scene is less about what actually occurs and more about my FMC’s internal dialogue. It’s a moment where in the book, after grappling with this idea of being half-monster, what the term “monster” really means, and fighting the literal and generic term of the word, she finally embraces her own darkness when she admits that the thought that she comes close to murdering (an a$shole, I have to say), doesn’t bother her.

To appreciate the dark, you have to know the light. Name a scene that gives our readers... ah, how do humans use to describe such things? Ah, right... joy, hope, or simply a good laugh that keeps them from sinking into a bottomless depth while reading your book. Excuse me, I personally have a different understanding of joy, but I'm aware that the majority of Hell Times Magazine's readership shows a growing interest in all things outside our world.
Any scene involving the girl gang! One of the best parts of getting tagged in reviews for Monstrous was the mention and appreciation of the strong female friendships. Anytime all my girls are on page together really just makes me happy, even if some of those scenes aren’t necessarily joyful. There is also a scene between my FMC and MMC that’s really touching where he brings her her favorite ice cream knowing she suffers from painful period cramps. Love me a man that isn’t afraid to comfort and take care of his girl during that time of the month.

Now, onto the romance part. Let our readers swoon over your favorite intimate/emotional scene, and tell us why you chose this one.
OOF. How do I choose? Rhi and Nick have incredible chemistry from jump street, but obviously there is a lot of tension and angst before they actually get together. The burn is SLOW. But when they do finally get together- it combusts. That’s why, I think the first time Nick and Rhi actually have sex might be my favorite intimate scene. There’s a lot of pent up feelings and just the sensation of “FINALLY,” that really hits. You can feel how much they’ve wanted each other for so long, and the opportunity to be intimate with one another is just as emotionally impactful as it is physically.

I still cannot fathom why humans hide their most sinful desires, but one thing I know for sure—a lot of them might be closed-off in the human realm, buttoning their little cardigans up to their throats, but once in Hell... oh, Nicole, I've met many dragged souls... they all crave sinful delights. Tell us what spice level our readers can expect from your book and don't leave out the trigger warnings. (See Spice Level chart at the bottom)
Spice level 2Spice level is at a two - for this book ;). (Venomous, book 2, REALLY ups the ante). The spice is two specific scenes, both graphic, and includes kinks like blood play, praise, being blindfolded, and lots of monster claws ;)

Let's keep up the intensity level. We don't do coy at Hell Times Magazine. Is there a spicy scene that makes you want to switch roles with your FMC?
Oh, yeah. I love the blindfold scene, but you know what they say - write what you know ;)

Our readers love to get exclusive insights into their favorite author's mind. Are there personal traits, quirks, or fears you've used to form your characters?
Nick is probably more like me than my FMC. I absolutely hate Jello and gave him that quirk, as well as being a fan of Stevie Nicks/Fleetwood Mac. For Rhi, I gave her the ability to play chess close to the grandmaster level, and while I can play, I am nowhere near that good!

Hell only knows black or white—no in between—and I want you to choose. Live your FMC's life for a year or your MMC's for a month? All troubles, drama, etc included. Tell us more about your choice.
Rhi goes through far more troublesome sh*t in a year than Nick does in a month - well, except being framed for murder. But I’d still choose Nick’s life for a month.

It came to my attention that publishing a book isn't as easy as shattering souls. I'm intrigued. Were there moments where you thought “I wish someone would've told me about this.”? And I'm not talking about those inspirational quotes humans seem to love. I've heard some of you even have them framed above your beds. You're species is truly... interesting. No, we're talking about the many pitfalls in publishing. Let that be formatting/editing/content guidelines/cover issues, etc. Or do you mind sharing regrets you've learned from?
To be honest, the publishing process itself went smoothly, but I have to say, I think the hardest thing when putting a book out there (aside from writing it, of course), is the constant need to compare yourself to what you see on social media. Trust me, you will see debut authors become overnight sensations and think, “why not me?” Or, “is my book just not good?” The latter is untrue, just as these overnight sensations are NOT the norm. I’ve gotten better, but I still compare myself from time to time, and I have to remember, I’m building my readership and those that are a part of it (THANK YOU I LOVE YOU) love my books and I can only continue to grow from there!

I might be a lot of things, Nicole, but above all, I'm a nosy demon. Do you have any upcoming releases or can you share juicy details about any current WIP?
Venomous, the sequel to Monstrous, will be out on October 30, 2024! Venomous has SO many juicy and thrilling details that I am beside myself with excitement for you to read it, but my favorite one so far is that Rhi actually eats someone in this book (the TWs are unhinged.)

This might be just out of personal interest, but where do you see yourself as an author two years from now? Lower realm folks have to deal with shattered souls every day, but even we have dreams to chase. Tell us yours.Ideally, I love to be able to write full time and have it be my only source of income! Two years from now would also mean the Monstrous trilogy will be complete and the first book of my vampire/witch enemies to lovers dark fantasy romance will be out for the world to see! I’d also love to be attending some conventions to meet readers!

On a last note, one of our readers won the chance to ask you a question. Believe me, we had a lot of them offer their souls to get said chance. But, of course, we at Hell Times Magazine don't support bribery. Officially.
By : How do you name your characters?Names for my main characters will always have a specific meaning, or be conjured some way by the book’s inspiration. In the case of Rhiannon, not only is it my favorite Fleetwood Mac song, but the meaning behind her name holds ALOT of secrets that I can’t give away, for obvious reasons.In Nick’s case, I was literally missing Nick Scratch from the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, and I used Nick as a placeholder until I realized it actually worked well. Of course, Nick isn’t actually his real name, which readers won’t know until Book 3, so there’s that.Finally, in my vampire/witch WIP, my FMC is named Cecilia which translates to “blind” or “hidden” and Celia is both blinded by certain things and hiding plenty.

Your time is highly appreciated, Nicole. Thank you so much for joining us today and stripping bare for us. Your time in Hell is up. Our chauffeur awaits you in the lobby.
telephone rings
Oh, excuse me.
Well, well. It seems Marcus Ferrow has offered to give you an exclusive behind-the-scenes tour through Hell's Discovery, our soul-hunting institution. If you ask my humble opinion: think twice before you accept. Ivy, his soul hunter partner, was already hollering in the background. I think I heard the words Man Whore and Hasselhoff.Ah, these two...However, I wish you a wonderful way back into the human realm, Nicole, and lots of success for your future. Take this as a sincere farewell: may we never meet again.

Darkness Level 1
mild violence (not too graphic/ mixed with off-page scenes, no gore)
no sexual assault/rape/molesting (might have mentions of past trauma)
morally “okay“ main characters (no murderers, stalkers, addicts, etc.)
Darkness Level 2
graphic violence (no gore)
sexual assault (no rape, no molesting, might have mentions of past trauma)
morally gray main characters (can be murderers, stalkers, addicts, etc.)
Darkness Level 3
graphic violence/gore
sexual assault/rape/molesting
morally gray/black main characters (reserved for the proud psychos)

Spice Level 1
sexual scenes (not too graphic/short scenes/mixed with fade to black scenes or mentions of off-page sex)
no kinks (definitely safe to mention at your Auntie Betty's)
no one gets called a good girl for Daddy or has to manage more than 2 dongs
Spice Level 2
graphic sexual scenes
kinks (degrading, praising, chocking, etc., anything not considered too taboo)
Spice Level 3
many graphic or intense sexual scenes, or very long scenes
taboo kinks/group fun/special dongs

Author Spotlight Interview
Abigail Hunter
“Blood Princess”
Dark Fairy Tale Retelling
Available formats: Paperback and ebook
KindleUnlimited: Yes
Names of the main characters: Ruby, Valko, Lucien, Fillian
Age of the main characters: 20s and 30s
Species of the main characters: Vampire and Wolf Shifters

Welcome to Hell Times Magazine, Abigail. My name's Pyrodius. It's a pleasure having you here today. How was your trip to Hell? The Gates, our guest entrance, never fails to leave a lasting impression. I hope the screams of the doomed didn't scare you. It's not often that they get to lay eyes on souls who don't belong here... for now.Thank you so much for having me. I’m dropping in to talk about my deliciously dark Red Riding Hood Retelling Blood Princess. Blood Princess is the story of a vampire princess, desperate to save her people from ruination, and three wolves fuelled by revenge who are determined to stop her. They kidnap her and chain her up in their dungeon, dragging her out every night for their pleasure, which is something I think someone like you would appreciate.

What gave me away? curls his tail around Abigail's ankle and winksWell, then. Our readers are as hungry for books as they are drawn to dark delights. Trigger warnings are always highly appreciated. Let's serve the first dish. What level of darkness can they expect from your book? (See Darkness Level chart at the bottom)Level 3.Blood Princess is definitely one of the darkest books I’ve written, and, to be honest, I was so surprised by the story when I started crafting it. I had in my head that it would be a revenge plot, but I didn’t think it would get so dark that there would be major noncon scenes and blood play blow jobs! Apart from that, there’s a lot of manipulation from both Ruby, the vampire princess, and the wolves, as well as the emotional weight that comes with being forced into submission. Ruby’s relationship with the wolves is amazing, but it’s built on a corrupted foundation and that slowly builds throughout the book. The other major trigger warning I would point out is that it ends on a very intense cliffhanger, though book two is due in 2025.

Let's dig a little deeper, shall we? Take us to your favorite dark scene. We'd love to hear how it felt writing it and why you picked this one in particular.
My favourite dark scene would have to be the blood play blow job. As a vampire, Ruby needs blood to survive, but they starve her over weeks. As the book goes on, she grows weaker with her lack of blood. The youngest wolf, Fillian, is a sweet and pure soul who loves her with everything he has, so he sneaks into the dungeon to feed her. But he is discovered by another wolf, Lucien, the most vicious of the three. As punishment, Lucien makes her ride Fillian’s face and, while she is still chained up while he forces his cock into her mouth. Lucien tells her not to bite, but she is a hungry vampire, so she makes him bleed, drinking down everything she can of him as he loses control.
I absolutely love this scene because, not only do Ruby and Lucien connect through their hatred and anger, but Fillian’s innocent jealousy shines through and he tries to get attention by feasting on her as much as he can. And the way that, even though she is chained and gagged by Lucien, her throat burning and her eyes watering, she still fights back. How the scene ends is absolutely amazing, but I won’t spoil it for you!

To appreciate the dark, you have to know the light. Name a scene that gives our readers... ah, how do humans use to describe such things? Ah, right... joy, hope, or simply a good laugh that keeps them from sinking into a bottomless depth while reading your book. Excuse me, I personally have a different understanding of joy, but I'm aware that the majority of Hell Times Magazine's readership shows a growing interest in all things outside our world.
Though this is a story of a depraved nature, there is hope. Not only is it a story of revenge, but it is a reverse harem, and all four of them are fated mates. There is no sword-crossing as the three wolves are like brothers to each other, but their loyalty is strong. At the start of the book there are a number of scenes with a lack of consent, as the story continues, their love grows stronger, though it comes at a cost.

Now, on to the romance part. Let our readers swoon over your favorite intimate/emotional scene, and tell us why you chose this one.
I think my favourite scene would be where she bonds with Valko, the wolf that has resisted her the most. He spends the book restraining himself while Lucien and Fillian, his pack brothers, are easily swayed to her. When he finally does give in during a group sex scene, rather than it being intimate and tender, he releases his beast and ravishes her. Afterwards, he picks her up, carries her to a hot spring so he can be with her alone and they make love in the water, catching up on everything they’ve missed of each other, and that’s where they bond.

I still cannot fathom why humans hide their most sinful desires, but one thing I know for sure—a lot of them might be closed-off in the human realm, buttoning their little cardigans up to their throats, but once in Hell... oh, Abigail, I've met many dragged souls... they all crave sinful delights. Tell us what spice level our readers can expect from your book and don't leave out the trigger warnings. (See Spice Level chart at the bottom)
Spice level 3The spice is nice at a solid three, as well. I’ve had a lot of reviews about how much there is and, I must confess, the book is definitely at least 60% smut. It starts with an intense action scene, quickly followed by a long sex scene with no consent.
The last memory Ruby has is a giant wolf leaping on her, then she suddenly wakes up, bound to a table, her wrists and ankles tied with rope, her body spread open for the wolves. From that scene onwards, there are multiple sex scenes with each of the wolves, all in the dark stone dungeon they lock her in, until the final group sex scene on the same table where they first fucked her. The book is at least 250 pages and the world-building does shine through, but the smut is the main focus.

Let's keep up the intensity level. We don't do coy at Hell Times Magazine. Is there a spicy scene that makes you want to switch roles with your FMC?
Yes, the very final scene where they confess their love/bond with each other. As they come to trust Ruby, they remove her shackles and the gag she has worn throughout most of the book, and there is a long scene of her being loved by her wolves. She rides Fillian as Lucien takes care of her mouth and Valko enters her from behind. In the magic of the world of Blood Princess, the mating bond connects their hearts and spirits, so they can feel each other’s emotions, and love overflows between the four of them. But that sweetness is deceptive due to what happens at the end of the book.

Our readers love to get exclusive insights into their favorite author's mind. Are there personal traits, quirks, or fears you've used to form your characters?
Yes, Ruby’s ‘fuck you’ attitude has come from my personal experiences with people. We all have those conversations where it’s only afterwards we think of the perfect thing to say, and some of those live in the book, as well as Ruby’s general rage at trying to achieve something and having to push herself to the absolute limit to get it, only to become trapped by that effort.

Hell only knows black or white—no in between—and I want you to choose. Live your FMC's life for a year or your MMC's for a month? All troubles, drama, etc included. Tell us more about your choice.
MMCs 100%. They live in a cave in the middle of the forest that has a spell on it cast by a witch so no one can find it, but the forest is bathed in eternal night. Though they get bored and annoyed with each other’s company, as well as carrying the pain of watching their people repeatedly slaughtered by Ruby’s father, they are safe, and they can turn into giant wolves! Whereas Ruby is the last living vampire of her bloodline, and every single day since her mother died when she was five, she has been fighting to survive. Not just because her father tries to kill her at every chance he gets, but because the court she will rule over is full of malice. Her life is a giant performance, acting as her father’s pet to survive with almost every person who befriends or supports her being murdered, and I wouldn’t want to have to go through that.

It came to my attention that publishing a book isn't as easy as shattering souls. I'm intrigued. Were there moments where you thought “I wish someone would've told me about this.”? And I'm not talking about those inspirational quotes humans seem to love. I've heard some of you even have them framed above your beds. You're species is truly... interesting. No, we're talking about the many pitfalls in publishing. Let that be formatting/editing/content guidelines/cover issues, etc. Or do you mind sharing regrets you've learned from?
Blood Princess was the second book I published, and the practical process was a lot easier than the first, as I had more of an idea of what to do. But one of the things I really did struggle with was how dark the book became. I try to listen to the characters and let them tell the story with whatever book I’m writing. I had most of the book written when I realised that I was going to have to write a noncon scene. I can’t read books with nonconcensual sex as I don’t know how the writer will portray it. Some authors try to dig into the violence and horror of r*pe for the shock factor and to sexualise it, which really upsets me. So, I spent at least a week struggling with the knowledge that the story wouldn’t be complete if the wolves didn’t force themselves on her at the start of the book. I tried to write the scene as tastefully as possible, which I think is hard with content like that, but it enhances the story a lot and makes the ending of the book all that more impactful because of it.

I might be a lot of things, Abigail, but above all, I'm a nosy demon. Do you have any upcoming releases or can you share juicy details about any current WIP?
I write across a lot of different genres, but my next darkest book is Not Taken, a mafia heir x serial killer MM novella where, really, the two men spend most of the book hatefucking. Though there are many flashbacks to the murders, the focus is on the incredibly toxic relationship between the pair.
I’ve also just released the first book in my omegaverse series, Bubblegum Pop, that features a prostitute FMC and three men she loves, her bodyguards who watch her day and night. She’s trapped in a contract with an incredibly dangerous man, which means she can’t stop working, and the four of them try to deal with the fact she is forced to sell herself and can’t be with them.

This might be just out of personal interest, but where do you see yourself as an author two years from now? Lower realm folks have to deal with shattered souls every day, but even we have dreams to chase. Tell us yours.My hope is to become a six-figure author. With the release of my last book, I’ve just reached four figures. Though I’m aware that six figures is a giant leap (£1,000 > £100,000), I want to set my goals high and manifest it. I have a lot of books planned for the next two years, including the Blood Princess sequel, Scarlet Queen, and I want to write books people are going to want to read over and over again!

Your time is highly appreciated, Abigail. Thank you so much for joining us today and stripping bare for us. Your time in Hell is up. Our chauffeur awaits you in the lobby.
telephone rings
Oh, excuse me.
Well, well. It seems Marcus Ferrow has offered to give you an exclusive behind-the-scenes tour through Hell's Discovery, our soul-hunting institution. If you ask my humble opinion: think twice before you accept. Ivy, his soul hunter partner, was already hollering in the background. I think I heard the words Man Whore and Hasselhoff.Ah, these two...However, I wish you a wonderful way back into the human realm, Abigail, and lots of success for your future. Take this as a sincere farewell: may we never meet again.

Darkness Level 1
mild violence (not too graphic/ mixed with off-page scenes, no gore)
no sexual assault/rape/molesting (might have mentions of past trauma)
morally “okay“ main characters (no murderers, stalkers, addicts, etc.)
Darkness Level 2
graphic violence (no gore)
sexual assault (no rape, no molesting, might have mentions of past trauma)
morally gray main characters (can be murderers, stalkers, addicts, etc.)
Darkness Level 3
graphic violence/gore
sexual assault/rape/molesting
morally gray/black main characters (reserved for the proud psychos)

Spice Level 1
sexual scenes (not too graphic/short scenes/mixed with fade to black scenes or mentions of off-page sex)
no kinks (definitely safe to mention at your Auntie Betty's)
no one gets called a good girl for Daddy or has to manage more than 2 dongs
Spice Level 2
graphic sexual scenes
kinks (degrading, praising, chocking, etc., anything not considered too taboo)
Spice Level 3
many graphic or intense sexual scenes, or very long scenes
taboo kinks/group fun/special dongs